Granting User Permissions

Easily grant user permissions and allowable modules.

Permission Granting Options

User accounts can be manually granted permissions by an administrator or account coordinator in your organization.

Manually Granting Permissions

1. Open user index page

On the left navigation bar click "Users" option to view al user accounts in your organization.

New accounts are set to "Pending" at time of creation/invitation.

2. Select an account

Simply select a user to view details. To edit an account select "Credentials" located at the end of the tabs bar at the top of the user view page.

After selecting "Credentials" you will be redirected to the user edit page (Example shown below)

3. Change / Update permissions

Under "Permissions" an administrator may select allowable modules, changes groups and account role.

Administrator permissions

Only Account coordinators are allowed to change account access from "Standard" to "Administrator" or "Administrator" to "Standard".

Last updated